Our Origins

Maybe you’ve had a life changing experience that elevated you to new levels of inspiration and aspiration. That’s definitely the case with us.

Our inspiration story comes from our time at the Global Youth Peace Summit - an experience unlike any on earth where youth from all over the world would come together for one week to grow as individuals and as a community. With so many diverse beliefs, religions, races, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds and passions represented, our experiences at the Summit shined light on what is possible for people and between people in this world.

Witnessing the joy of connection at the Summit year after year always seemed to come with one common thread at the beginning of each gathering — music and dance.  Whenever the music started, so did the dancing and inevitably, the dance-offs. Walls would come down. Fear and insecurity would take a back seat. And the fact that these young people didn’t all speak the same language quickly became irrelevant. They would bravely step into the middle of the dance circle, courage fed courage, and before we knew it, everyone was in on it and celebrating and expressing who they were. It was in those moments that the idea for Virtual Arts’ first community mobile app — DanceFight — was born.

Our hope is that DanceFight and everything else we bring to the world will continue to capture that exact spirit and will become a gathering space where youth from all over the world can co-create a safe and equitable community that’s also inspiring and ridiculously fun!

We also sincerely hope that along the way, we help reframe how competition is seen and experienced – where being yourself, letting go of the fear of judgment, being courageous, and celebrating your uniqueness is valued first and foremost, even above winning.

What We Stand For

Authenticity: We strive to drop the bullshit and masks we wear on a daily basis and be as real as possible while creating a safe space for others to do the same.

Boldness: We encourage each other to take healthy risks, walk through fears and live fully, without fear of judgment.

Inclusivity: We aim to create and grow a community where ALL people feel safe and empowered to fully express themselves and where opportunity and upside is accessible.  

Always Fun: Life is short, let’s enjoy our time here together!

Living Inspired: We want to create an inspiring environment where creativity thrives!

What We’ve Built

Virtual Arts has built a head-to-head video competition platform for mobile, starting with dance but rapidly expanding to all kinds of skill-based competition content. The platform allows for deep fan engagement through voting in a fully gamified environment. Leveraging the new possibilities enabled by blockchain technology, Virtual Arts is integrating NFT opportunities throughout the gameplay experience. Virtual Arts has partnered closely with some of the leading brands on earth involved in web3, metaverse, blockchain, devices, and social platforms to create a world-scale competition-based community.

Who We Are

Our team and our community are the real story here. Spanning four continents, the people who make Virtual Arts tick and the community that has gathered to celebrate their talent and passion are truly extraordinary. We hope you can get to know everyone involved. Some on our team are lifelong entrepreneurs, some come from the non-profit arena, some are themselves epic creators, and others are tech phenoms determined to create beautiful and exhilarating product experiences. Each of us are keenly focused on creating a safe and inspiring environment for the communities of creators and fans we serve.

This is Our Jam

It is in our nature to be free
To be unbothered
let them do them,
Let me be me.
Always choosing inspired not intimidated
Because shared success makes us feel liberated.
We celebrate the weird,
We honor the unique
refusing to believe we’ve seen anything close to the peak;
of our shared human potential.
You know what I’m talking about…the boldness that took us to outer space, the innovation that gave us hip-hop,
The special kind of human beauty that allows us to exist beyond our imaginations
proving impossible is just a state of mind.

We are leaders, united in the challenge of bettering our world
Setting our ego aside, embracing the mystery of what we don’t know
But with confidence in who we are,
and who we could be
Always ready to grow
Pretending borders don’t exist,
Allowing everyone to be fully human,
allowing our lives with diversity to be enriched.
Speaking in a language anyone can understand
We’re dancing to our own rhythm,
Developing a universal brand
Shouting our truth because silence is not an option
We’re done with timid, and giving the finger to caution.
Unwilling to settle for comfort,
Being everything but complacent,
Unable to be confined to expectation
Where we walk we will break down walls,
We’ve been backed into a corner and now out come the claws.

We are warriors, our art is our most powerful weapon,
The passion is a fire in our bellies burning bright
Some people will try and stop us, knock us down
but we won’t go down without a DanceFight.

-Written by DanceFight community member Zoe Schneider
(find her and challenge her at @zoes on the DanceFight app 😉)